Guidelines for guest blog post submissions to The Designest

We’d love to share your projects, designs, and events with our readers.

Our tag line is ‘A Beautiful Mess of Art, Design, Craftiness & Sassiness’, and that pretty much sums up what we do here on The Designest. If you have an article that you would like to submit for publication, please read the guidelines here first.

We are currently most interested in articles that touch on anything & everything to do with weddings.


Here is an idea of what we are looking for:

  • Weddings
  • Party Planning / Hosting
  • DIY Projects
  • Home Interiors
  • Art & Design
  • Makers – sewing / knitting / crafting / etc…

Be original! Please do not submit posts that have already been published elsewhere online (including your own site). Do not submit articles that have not been published but have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Duplicate content is not good for you or us!

Include good photos. Your photography is just as important (if not more so) as your writing. We will only publish a piece if it has both. All photos must be at least 850 px by 400 px tall (larger is fine).

We like real life happenings. You don’t have to have the perfectly staged photo, but it needs to be a well lit picture.

Please don’t do this:

  • Submit work that is from a content farm. We will not publish it.
  • Flood us with your articles. Please only submit one piece at a time. We will respond within 2 weeks to let you know if it is scheduled to be published.
  • Hyperlink: Please don’t hyperlink. Put relevant links in brackets: [].

Ready to submit something? Here’s how:

  • By submitting your article to us you acknowledge that you have read and accept our terms of use and any form of editing that is necessary.
  • Email your article to
  • Put the title and full article in the body of the email, do not attach it as a document.
  • Attach only images that you own and give us permission to use to the email.
  • About you information. At the end of your article there will be an about you section. Please send your bio (100 words or less) and links (in brackets) to your website, Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter pages.
  • A headshot of you to be used in the bio box.